This is the web of PHYSICAL EDUCATION for 4º ESO.
I hope you learn and enjoy this subject a lot.
We will try to communicate in English as much as we could, therefore, try to speak in English in class even when you don't know very well the words or expressions; your teacher Elena will help you to finish your sentence and to improve your physical and language skills.

ASSESMENT ON LINE right now !!!! (in Spanish)
Click HERE to read more about WARM UP: this is an interesting web to practise your reading

Watch the next video ... the players are amazing !!!!
TOPIC 3: ENDURANCE OR STAMINA: training systems.

STAMINA TRAINING allows you to significantly improve your physical
condition and it therefore prepares you to be better at your favorite sport.
Having a high level of Stamina also helps you to be healthy and it enables you to do daily task more efficiently.
Click here to download the activity sheet
TOPIC 4: SPEED: training systems.
-Speed is basic in all sports. Even in a marathon, the winner is the
-It is related with coordination and agility. If you react and move fast, you have an advantage in all sports.
-It is related with coordination and agility. If you react and move fast, you have an advantage in all sports.
-Speed training develops and makes your muscles grow, and improves your nervous
system ability response.
Click here to download the activity sheet
TOPIC 5: STRENGTH: training systems.
of these easy ways are:
Exercises using your body weight (sit-ups, push-ups or press-ups
squats, multi-jumps, multi-throws…) and progressive overload
Exercises with your classmates (pushing, lifting, carrying, …)
Exercises using light materials (medicinal balls, sport benches, …)
Click here to download the activity sheet
Importance of flexibility
- You have less injuries and avoid postural deformities.
- Your muscles are more elastic and more powerful.
- Your movements are not limited.
Click HEREto download the activity sheet
click HERE to download your homework about STRETCHING EXERCISES
In the following link you can see the presentation that will help you how to do the group work that we have talked about in class.
I will assign a specific athlete to each group.
I will assign a specific athlete to each group.
Pincha en la imagen
TEMA 8: Sport like a bridge between Cultures and Civilizations (ERASMUS+ Project)
Your classmates from 1st of bachillerato (Ana Rodríguez, Marta Hernández and Yanira Cabrera) together with teachers from your school have carried out this project (click HERE) that was going to be presented in Bulgaria on the third visit of the Erasmus + project to which our school belongs. I invite you to read it completely, and after that, choose one of the four topics to make a review where you talk about the topic and also provide reflections on that topic.
You are going to do in Spanish and English, and Drew and I will check them.
- Remember to organize the information well and be personal and creative in your writing and reflection. Preferably in Word format
To review MUSCLES click HERE
To review BONES click HERE
We are going to see in what moment your Physical Fitness is.
Click HERE to open the activity.
Realizarás el visionado de este documental “CAMPEONAS INVISIBLES” y harás una reflexión sobre el mismo, resaltando también aspectos que te han llamado la atención. También responderás a un cuestionario que te he puesto en classroom.
Después entrarás en este enlace de Kahoot para realizar un cuestionario sobre igualdad de género, para ver qué es lo que conocemos y no sobre dicho tema. Entra con tu nombre y apellido; Game PIN: 04833516
Tienes de plazo máximo hasta el 25 de mayo, para que lo hagas con tranquilidad e indagues en algunos términos que pueden aparecer en el cuestionario.
Por el DÍA DE LA TIERRA, os dejo este video de la charla de este deportista y aventurero profesional y divulgador, que ya sabéis que pasó por Badajoz en su vuelta al mundo a pie hace unos años, y tuve la oportunidad de conocerlo y hospedarlo.
ACTIVIDAD VOLUNTARIA: realizar una reflexión y destacar tres o cuatro aspectos que te llamaron la atención de la charla. Puedes escribir un texto al ordenador y enviarlo, o leerlo grabando en un audio, y enviarlo a iescastelaref@gmail.com
It is a game played by children and young adults, where one or more participants jump over a rope. This rope is swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads.
There are also people who jump two ropes turning at the same time: this is called “Double Dutch”, and it is much more difficult.
It is a game played by children and young adults, where one or more participants jump over a rope. This rope is swung so that it passes under their feet and over their heads.
There are also people who jump two ropes turning at the same time: this is called “Double Dutch”, and it is much more difficult.
In this first video you can see the fabulous skills of Carolina Marín
In this second video you can understand better the basic rules for couples matches

Nutrition is a major environmental influence on physical and mental growth and development in early life. Food habits during infancy can influence preferences and practices in later life and some evidence suggests fair to moderate tracking of food habits from childhood to adolescence. Studies support that good nutrition contributes to improving the wellbeing of children and their potential learning ability, thus contributing to better school performance. Children and young people who learn healthy eating habits, are encouraged to be physically active, to avoid smoking and to learn to manage stress, have the potential for reduced impact of chronic diseases in adulthood. Nutrition education is a key element to promoting lifelong healthy eating and exercise behaviours and should start from the early stages of life
Food habits are complex in nature and multiple conditioning factors interact in their development. Young children do not choose what they eat, but their parents decide and prepare the food for them. During infancy and early childhood the family is a key environment for children to learn and develop food preferences and eating habits. As they grow and start school, teachers, peers and other people at school, together with the media and social leaders, become more important. Progressively children become more independent and start making their own food choices. The peer group is very important for adolescents and has a major influence in developing both food habits and lifestyles
IT IS IN SPANISH. Aquí tienes un artículo interesantísimo sobre el mito de Aquarius y otros temas. Deberás leerlo atentamente y hacer una REFLEXIÓN ESCRITA de los principales aspectos de dicho texto, que me puedes mandar por correo y que luego podremos debatir en clase. Pincha AQUÍ para leerlo .
Pertenece al blog de Juan Revenga, un Dietista-Nutricionista y consultor; según él , el disfrute y el placer en el comer no deberían estar en absoluto reñidos con la salud. Por el contrario, asumir esta relación en sentido contrario propicia la generación de los más disparatados mitos y leyendas.
Es un activo usuario de las redes sociales y si quieres me puedes seguir en twitter (@juan_revenga) o en Facebook.
estado buscando diferentes pistas en varios recorridos del parque
Castelar y del parque Infantil. Hemos tenido que explorar el terreno y
fijarnos en los detalles del mismo para poder responder a las preguntas
que nos pedía; pero sobre todo hemos tenido que correr y colaborar con
el grupo para llegar cuanto antes y con las respuestas correctas. ¡ Sí
que lo pasamos bien!
Mira los siguientes videos que ya serán una buena ayuda para cuando leas los apuntes y las actividades.
This will allow us to get into Orienteering Sport more easily. HERE you have the notes; In them you will have links that you must click to access more things. Then you will be able to do a Moodle questionnaire to strengthen your knowledge by helping you with the notes and all the class information and the videos that I offer you. Soon in class I will tell you when the Moodle questionnaire will open
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